HR Analysis
This project is a personal project to practice my critical thinking and communicate reports in interactive dashboard.
Background Information
In a company, the HR department certainly has a very important role in the running of a business. They have a stake in human resource planning, recruitment, development, performance management, determining salary or compensation, growing work relationships, to employee retirement. To manage and monitor these various tasks, if only refer to a data table consisting of thousands of rows it will be very troublesome. Of course one is needed mechanisms or solutions that can facilitate all of these things.
The HR department in the company wants an interactive dashboard that can make it easier for them to see hiring trends, monitor employee satisfaction and track employee salary management.
Analysis Method
Asking some crucial questions to be answered by charts and graphs in Power BI:
→ Can find the age segments about the employees?
→ What is the gender ratio each hire year?
→ What is the marital status distributed each hire year? Did number of single
new hires increase or decrease historically?
→ What branch had the most/fewest new hires each year?
→ How about the employee retention rate each year? What is the main leave
→ Which department had the most/fewest new hires each year?
→ Which department had the highest/lowest retention rate each year?
→ Which department had the highest/lowest average satisfaction score each
→ Can provide the yearly average salary the organization paid to each department?
→ Which department had been paid most/fewest bonus each year?
→ Which job title had the highest/lowest satisfaction score?
→ Which job title had been paid the highest/ lowest salary each year?
→ How much money have we invested to management position each year?
After conducting an in-depth analysis of employee data, we get a number of interesting insights:
→ The company has a total of 292 employees.
→ For 6 years, the employee retention rate is 85%.
→ Gender segmentation of employees in this company is divided into 52.74% male employees and 47.26% female employees.
→ Age of employees is dominated by employees with an age range of 60-69 years as much as 28% of the total.
→ The most marital status in the company are single and married.
→ While the company was running, Lima was the branch with the highest number of recruits from the other 2 branches, with 103 employees.
→ The top reason for employees leaving a company is because of a higher salary offer.
→ The production department is the largest in recruiting new employees with a total of 191 employees.
→ Administration and Z Management Departments are departments with a retention rate of 100%.
The production department is the department with the lowest retention rate with a score of 81%.
→ The department with the highest salary allocation in the company is the production department
and the job title with the highest salary allocation is Production Technician 1.
→ The department with the highest average employee salary is Z Management.
→ The production department is the top one who gets a bonus allocation from the company with a total of 4.2 Million USD.
Below are highlights from the dashboard or click this link for complete interactive Power BI dashboard.
Note: Zoom-out its dashboard for a better experience. 40% zoom percentage is ideal. The zoom slider is in the lower right corner of the dashboard.